English Learner Space

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A1 | Beginner / Elementary

1A | Hello Introductions | Food / Drink | by Adam Wyett
0, 30374
1B | Introductions Continued | by Adam Wyett
0, 31365
2A | Who is he? | by Adam Wyett
0, 30330
3A | Where are my Keys? | by Adam Wyett
0, 31213
3B | The Souvenir Shop | by Adam Wyett
0, 31781
4A | Family Car | by Adam Wyett
0, 6015
4B Elem | Busy Lives | by Adam Wyett
0, 10321
3B | Work Hours | by Adam Wyett
0, 4823
5A Elem | Talent | by Adam Wyett
0, 10196
6B | Good Morning! | by Adam Wyett
1, 30674
7A | Have a Nice Weekend | by Adam Wyett
0, 31007
7B | Your Free Time | by Adam Wyett
0, 31083
7C | Action | by Adam Wyett
0, 29434
9A | Working Undercover | by Adam Wyett
0, 30342
8B | I Absolutely Love It! | by Adam Wyett
0, 30014
9B | What is there? | by Adam Wyett
0, 27518
9C | Be Healthy | by Adam Wyett
1, 27454
10A | Where were you? | by Adam Wyett
1, 27368
10B | A Fresh Start | by Adam Wyett
0, 32118
10C | How Was Your Day? | by Adam Wyett
0, 30074
7B Elem | Wrong Name, Wrong Place | by Adam Wyett
0, 31340
11D | New Year | by Adam Wyett
0, 20350
Final Assignment: Holiday Presentation | by Adam Wyett
0, 22185